A creekside village established in 1858 on land formerly inhabited by Sewee Indians, McClellanville began as a summer resort for nearby planter families escaping malarial mosquitoes. It is now a fishing village with an artistic climate amid restored Victorian properties. The larger St. James Santee Parish retains historic rice plantations and other landmarks of Colonial America and the antebellum South. Both parish and village are protected from coastal sprawl by the maritime forests and estuaries of Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge, Francis Marion National Forest, and Santee Coastal Reserve.
Inside this book are images of the villagers named McClellan, Morrison, Leland, Lofton, and Graham, as well as famous parishioners Jonathan Lucas, Eliza Lucas Pinckney, Archibald Rutledge, David Doar, and Thomas Pinckney. DuPre House, the town's oldest residence, is shown, plus other historic village homes and churches, along with Fairfield Plantation, Hampton Plantation (now a state park), and other parish plantations and sites.
Susan Hoffer McMillan is the author of three Arcadia histories of coastal South Carolina and a part-time village resident. McClellanville's native son, Selden Baker Bud Hill, founding director of the Village Museum and editor of its Origins newsletter, joins McMillan in creating this treasury for all who have lived in or visited McClellanville or St. James Santee Parish and for others interested in this distinctive part of the Lowcountry.