Evening Post Books
Gullah Cuisine: By Land and by Sea ~ Jenkins, Baldwn & Smith (3rd Edition)
Gullah Cuisine: By Land and by Sea ~ Jenkins, Baldwn & Smith (3rd Edition)
Finally back in stock!! Take a journey into Chef Charlotte Jenkins' creative kitchen, and also into her life. Charlotte and her husband Frank grew up Gullah at a time when the Old Ways were giving way to the New Ways, part of the generation that bridged those two worlds. Charlotte learned to cook the way her mama, her grandmamma and all the mamas that have come before her - by working alongside one another. She also trained at Johnson & Wales Culinary Institute in Charleston, where she adapted the traditional recipes to be more healthful. In1997, she and her husband Frank opened Gullah Cuisine in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, and were widely acknowledged as offering the best of authentic Gullah cooking.
This third edition book brings Charlotte's wonderful recipes to you - and more than that. It's a tale of connection, sharing a world the Gullah built. Narrative is by critically-acclaimed author William P. Baldwin, photographs by Pulitzer Prize-nominee Mic Smith, and art by beloved Gullah painter Jonathan Green.